THE LIBERATED SOUL breaks the traditional beauty stereotype by celebrating people of all size, shape, colour and gender. We believe that our bodies are a gift and is meant to be respected and celebrated. Our aim is to promote body positivity, body acceptance, body neutrality, body freedom and healthy sexuality through awareness, support and access to resources
'The Liberated Soul' is not just a magazine, its a community, a support group for people who draw strength from each other. We bring you stories from some of our readers who dare to stand up against the stereotype and express freely through their body. We hope that these stories and pictures will inspire our readers to accept their own bodies and fall in love with it again. As the saying goes, 'LOVE YOUR BODY, YOU ONLY GOT ONE.'
If you are an advocate of free expression, body acceptance, body positivity and are not shy of expressing through your body, we welcome your picture contributions. We celebrate people of all sizes, shapes, colors, and gender so anyone can take part in building this community and contributing. You can submit pictures from a professional shoot or taken from a mobile phone, face shown or face hidden, freeing or sensual, or anything that makes you comfortable. We do not believe in censoring and hence submissions will be posted without hiding the nipples or any other body parts. However, the images will only be available for site members to view. Your submission has to meet the below criteria:
1. You must be at least 21 years of age.
2. You must be the owner of the pictures submitted.
3. The pictures must promote body positivity.
4. You can be a male, female, couple, or any other gender. As long as you identify as a human, you can make a submission.
5. The pictures could be taken by a professional or just by a mobile phone camera.
The selected pictures can only be viewed by paid subscribers of the magazine to ensure privacy. Backlinks to your social accounts, only fans accounts etc can be provided if you wish so our subscribers can directly connect with you. All contributors whose photos are selected for publishing will receive one-year free VIP membership.