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Can Physical intimacy make you happier and healthier?

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

Will it come as a surprise to learn that holding hands with your spouse while walking down the street or hugging when you get home at the end of the day has health benefits? When you're in the car with him, how about placing your hand on his thigh or behind his neck?

Do you recognize that unexpectedly approaching her while she's sipping morning coffee at the kitchen table and placing your hands on her shoulders or wrapping your arms around her from behind may promote general wellbeing - for both of you?

Physical intimacy improves a couple's relationship and develops intimacy, love, and affection between them. It is a significant binder that aids couples in resolving their disagreements.

Physical closeness strengthens a couple's bond by counteracting any negative feelings they may have. Oxytocin, a hormone and a neurotransmitter produced during sexual moments between partners, increases trust and fosters a greater sense of connection.

Lack of intimacy

There is no security in a relationship without intimacy because you don't know if the other person is there for you or if they genuinely love you. When intimacy is absent, most partners have no intention of hurting their significant other or are even ignorant of the absence of intimacy, which is why a failing relationship, whether emotionally or physically, does not have a high chance of succeeding.

This lack of intimacy can lead to difficulties with a couple's support, understanding, loneliness, and rage.

Importance of physical intimacy

Touch is likely to improve happiness in all relationships, but it may be especially essential in long-term partnerships when sex has taken a back seat. Non-sexual physical contact, such as hugs and squeezes, handholding, and random touches, can be an efficient approach to sustain intimacy, with several advantages.

According to studies, couples who touched each other more and were happy with the quantity of contact they received were more sexually fulfilled and happier in their relationships. In addition, women were happier with the quantity of contact they received on average than husbands, and those in long-term partnerships were less satisfied with touch than those in fairly newer relationships.

One of the advantages of sex is that it reduces psychological worry and stress. In a relationship, being physically intimate lowers blood pressure and reduces stress reactions in the brain.

And it's not just about sex.

Other types of physical closeness, such as embracing or holding hands, might cause oxytocin to be released. This hormone will then activate the reward and pleasure regions of the brain, reducing anxiety.

Participants in one research were required to engage in intercourse on a regular basis for two weeks in order to assess the impact on stress and anxiety. Cell growth was discovered in the hippocampus, which is the same part of the brain that controls stress.

Physical intimacy entails sharing personal moments of closeness as well as having intercourse with one another. A gentle caress, a long kiss on the lips, or provocative closeness are all examples. This behavior encourages sexual anticipation and chemistry, and anticipation instills enthusiasm in the relationship and strengthens the bond between partners.

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